Lorde - Melodrama (2017)

album cover spread lyrics back of cd

I GOT THIS CD FOR MY 18TH!!! Thank you Caitlin you're the best love youuuu!!!!!

headphones Ranking the Tracklist

I don't even know if I know what my favourite songs on Melodrama are like I would say most times I've listened to it I've literally listened to the whole thing. Apart from maybe Liability but is that my fav or is it just a really good sad song when you need a sad song? Probs not gonna include Liability Reprise because like I get it it's there for the album it's there for the vibe but come on it's nobodys favourite song on Melodrama it's not a real song

Ok there it is I don't know if the top ones are in the right order I don't know if the bottom ones are in the right order it might all be wrong tbh

love hearts Memory

I remember listening to this whole album one night and I think I was just going to go to sleep so I put it on on my headphones but I was enjoying it so much like I'd never PROPERLY listened to the whole thing and even like the singles I wasn't super into Lorde at the time but I thought like I'll give it a listen and it was SO GOOD. I remember dancing in the dark with my headphones to Sober and Green Light and it was like so cool!!! That's a pretty nice memory for me. And then yeah just being obsessed with it after that night.

keep on swimming city drives cake Previous? Next?

11 songs, 41 min 2 sec

partyyyy hello night walkz