You don't get much more iconic than this like the powerrrr of this album like they went for it so hard and that's what I appreciate about MCR like they do not hold back you get everythingggg it's so good! The emotion in the music is just so rich and it's just so good because it draws you in it's just really good basically. Also pretty iconic that Gerard did the cover art and everything like yeah he's so cool.
Hmm how will I rank this album? I guess we're gonna find out now hehe
Ok honestly I put this album on as I started making the page so I forgot which songs were better than the other ones because not gonna lie like the titles are very emo in the way that they are not mentioned at all in the lyrics so I do forget which is which yikes. It's fine. But they're all good like it's just about the vibes really for me and especially with this album I'm not checking which song is which like we know Helena is peak we know Thank You For The Venom is iconic like it doesn't matter how I rank them it's still gonna be an incredible album.
I bought this CD from a hmv in Sheffield when we went for an open day for Sheffield Hallam so that was pretty cool. And then we listened to the album on the drive home :)