album cover spread1 spread2 back of cd

OMG WHAT AN ALBUM IT MAKES ME EMOTIONAL! It's just like it was the first album I properly loved and it's just like it's so good!!! It's got such an identity it's got like themes and ughghghghgh I can't describe like I'm so glad I've got the physical copy now because I kept forgetting about it but genuinely like it just takes me back and it's still so gooooood!

headphones Ranking the Tracklist

I'm not gonna include !!! in the ranking because it's not a song sorry not sorry.

This is actually a very sentimental and nostalgic album for me. Probably one of if not the first album I really loved. I remember that the first album I actually bought (Google Play Music) was Pray For The Wicked by Panic! At The Disco because we were going on holiday and I wanted something to listen to but I don't think I had listened to all the songs on that album before I bought it so I think this was the first one I was like yeah this is so cool I love this album. It will have come out around the same time like a bit after I went on that holiday though because I got noise cancelling headphones for my birthday that year and I LOOOOOOVED listening to this on those headphones it was actually life-changing I would just listen to this album over and over and over I never got bored. And I loved watching the little like gifs that played on Spotify like all her drawings and stuff I found it so cool. Looking back now it's kind of a similar thing to The Bends lyric booklet with the sketches. I wish Billie put them in the CD sleeve like... It would be so cool like I get that she's got a thing of just printing the lyrics on the inside of the cardboard which is cool because like less printing and stuff but I really appreciate like a fuller visual identity for an album when you buy the physical copy but honestly the music speaks for itself it's not needed just a personal thing I would've loved a lyric booklet.

love hearts Memory

I remember walking home from school on my own one day and just trying to like remember all the lyrics to my strange addiction and 8 because I was learing 8 on ukelele (ALSO 8 IS MY LUCKY NUMBER) and I was just testing if I knew all the lyrics. Oh and something from the EP as well like I think it was idontwannabemeanymore or like other songs from before this album. And yeah just really loving this song and it was my ukelele inspo I thought I was so cool for being able to play this hahaha! It was cool for me because this was the best music in my whole world at the time!! I have so many memories attached to this album maybe I'll slowly add them onto this page because it's true like this was a big album for me and still is like it is part of me defo. Like I love music and this was the album that first made me realise how much I could love music.

And it was also just the way it told a story across the album it was the first time I chose to listen to an album and understand and appreciate it on that level it was just so cool!

under the bed monster green bad guy nose tour Previous? Next?

14 songs, 42 min 55 sec

all the good girls syringes when the partys over spider on nose berlin wall calvin klein ADORBS blue hair