The 1975 - A Brief Inquiry Into Online Relationships (2018)

album cover spread lyrics back of cd

Sorry but blonde Matty Healy might be the most iconic version of Matty Healy I don't make the rules. It's like blonde vs self-titled aaaaa I don't know loool. Um yeah so the album is really really good it's another long one but it's choc a block with bangers and some fillery ones as well but they all have their time to be appreciated like How To Draw was always a big skip for me but like sometimes it just hits and you never know when that time is gonna be you just have to let it happen and go with the flow. Also we have to note that this is peak music for cars so like what are you gonna complain that it's gone too ambient music like you just can't! With the 1975 I can never have a proper favourite but this album has been my favourite many times (as well as every other one) so it's got to be good you can't argue with the facts.

headphones Ranking the Tracklist

I think this one is maybe a bit easier to rank actually. Ooooo maybe not I take that back actually it's gonna be difficult. Probably my least favourite rendition of the og The 1975 song so...


love hearts Memory


matty with vinyl smoking matty singing give urself a try Previous? Next?

15 songs, 58 min 33 sec

box band cool trousers blonde PEACE george tying shoes makeup pic