Such a good albummmmm! Of course like all the 1975 albums it's just so good you can't complain. This was the first album of theirs that I listened to in full and I remember really loving Wintering and The 1975 as my favs. The thing that put me onto this album was a TikTok about About You because it went a bit viral and everyone was using the bridge in their videos and someone had said that listening to that song was like being back in 2014 and the way they described it was just so beautiful I was like I need to get in there and see what it's about. And I can confirm it was really good. I don't have the same nostalgia for being a 1975 fan at that point in time though because I was just too young but omg I WISHHHH that I had been an og 1975 fan when they had their first stuff out like I would do almost anything to be a part of that like... Yeah.
Honestly just listen to the whole thing in order because that's the only way to do it but if I had to do a general ranking that is not definitive then I would probably say...
Also literally every song is top tier like Human Too is my least favourite but everything else in the middle/bottom of the ranking can and will change depending on the day.